Tuna Tin Enrichment Snuffle

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Ideal for those who are easily bored these cute tuna tin snuffle toys are ideal. The “tuna” comes out of the soft tin and has holes to fill with treats. Your pooch will be kept busy trying to get to these.

We advise supervision with all toys.

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Ideal for those who are easily bored these cute tuna tin snuffle toys are ideal. The “tuna” comes out of the soft tin and has holes to fill with treats. Your pooch will be kept busy trying to get to these.

We advise supervision with all toys.

Ideal for those who are easily bored these cute tuna tin snuffle toys are ideal. The “tuna” comes out of the soft tin and has holes to fill with treats. Your pooch will be kept busy trying to get to these.

We advise supervision with all toys.